Woman’s Condition in Britain
“Woman’s Condition in Britain “is an essay that follows the evolution
undergone by more than a half of the English population: women. It is not a
feminist paper wanting to prove that women were subjected to men, that they
didn’t have the same rights nor opportunities as men had, it is a historical
study that shows the accession of women.
In the earliest times her status was
almost the same as of the slaves and evolved to equal partner. Throughout
history, women have always aimed for a recognized place in society. Guided by
their own intelligence or expertise women have brought their contribution to
all domains in life: science, art, literature.
The evolution had as main factor the
redefinition and consolidation of the woman’s place in the society, as having
the same rights, and duties as men. They had to fight to be recognized.
It was not an easy battle for women. It took thousands of years, with
many victims among women. Even though women have proved that they were capable
rules or leaders, they were still denied some rights, like the right to vote.
There were many extraordinary queens that led England in troubled times, such
as Elisabeth I that had consolidated the work of her father, changing the face of the English church
forever or Victoria during whose reign England became an colonial empire .
Women were denied basic rights, to decide her own life, to work, to marry
whomever she wanted or to be anything more than a mother and a wife. She
couldn’t even inherit her parents’
wealth. Certain fields were denied, such
as literature and art, many women could publish their works only under a man
pseudonym. They were not allowed to make any mistakes, it is relevant the
scandal the writer Thomas Hardy had to face when he wanted to call his book
Tess of the D’Urbervilles, a Pure Woman. A woman that had sinned was not pure
anymore. To be honest the situation changed mostly in the XX-th when the feminism was a stepping stone in
the demands for equal rights. Women wanted equality with their men folk. Women
were more skilled than ever, and they worked the same jobs and were active
members of the society. Women’s role is changing because women are more
educated. The hold key roles in all walks of life and are not limited to the
same roles they were given at the dawn of times, child bearers and female
companions. They are teachers, managers or researchers. The future of the women
can be looked at, more optimistically. Nowadays there seems to be recognition
of the vital role of women play in the society and more status is given to
them. The engine is education, which is provided to women equally as to men.
Excellent progress has been made, and this has played a powerful role for their
self-esteem. It demonstrates women’s abilities to gain expertise in the field
of their choice. Society is changing and with it the role of women and men. In
many fields women have come a long way, from just their roles of as mothers and
house makers. They are that and far more. They no longer think that children
rearing and home management is their sole duty.
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